Smuggler's Cove

Today is our wedding anniversary, but Alan's been in work and Alison's here, so we've not done anything special, although the three of us went out for dinner tonight which was very nice, but Alan & I will celebrate together on another night.

Anyway, the sun was shining today so I took Alison to Cuckmere Haven which I blipped the other week. We did the same walk, but today it was more stunning, the tide was in, and the sea was so many different colours of blue. I took so many photos and it was difficult to choose my blip, but in the end I decided on this one which is looking towards the coastguard cottages on top of the cliffs, with the Seven Sisters behind me - apparently this beach was used by Smugglers in the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries.

We had a lovely 2 hour walk and on the way back we stopped at the local pub where we'd parked the car, and had a sandwich and a shandy. They were dog friendly too, so Louis as allowed to come in as well. I'm actually surprised just how many dog friendly bars there are around here, it's great!

Then we met Alan after work and went for dinner at Cafe Rouge which is at the marina. We sat outside in the sun for apero but then moved inside to eat, as once the sun dropped it felt quite cold. I used the winnings from the horse racing on Monday, to pay for a bottle of fizz to celebrate our anniversary, that way we all benefitted from my wins :-)

My next few blips will be late ones, as tomorrow night we're going to a tapas bar who have flamenco dancers, so I'm hoping to get a good blip of them, and then on Friday we're going to London for the day. So apologies if I get a little behind on my comments!

Anyway, it's time for bed, I'll catch up with you tomorrow, good night x

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