cupcakes and jellytots

By featherduster


Now before anyone says anything, yes I know this is old news and yes I know that the date on the paper is last Wednesday!

But if anyone can remember, the day the new heir to the throne was born, I had my flat broken into so I decided to celebrate it all a week later!

A week ago today this picture went global as Will and Kate presented baby George Alexander Louis to the world for the very first time! She's a braver woman than I'll ever be to stand there in front of a mass of camera flashes, holding on tight to the precious cargo in her arms, and only a day after giving birth! Not that the world's media would gather for me if I was ever to have kids! haha!

It's great to have 3 living heirs to the throne now - and all destined to be King!

# Hello - Lionel Ritchie #

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