
By minerva

Grinder an old trade about to be extinct.

Mr. Teodoro da Silva,
that´s him sitting in the back. He´s a natural, he never looks into the camera.

Ever since I made a little amateur film of him grinding knifes a while ago, he became a regular visit to my street. This time he brought his nephew as a helper and was eager to sharp something. So I found this katana just to be obliging (I fell I owe him for letting me make the film and today I made another one).
I love listening to the sound of his flute, it sends me right back to my childhood days. Every time my mother heard the grinder´s flute she´d say: «It s going to rain».
Most of the time she would be right. But today (30 degrees in the shade) it would be the exception that confirms the rule.

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