Thirty No More

By MarkusMeerkat

River crap

Well I take this to be progress.

Today I'm working from home on a very long conference call. But this did allow me to plug headphones into the blackberry and go for a wander (whilst on mute) to get some fresh air.

I got some nice shots of the heron on the boating lake; and another (crap) shot of the kingsfisher (needed the bigger lens).

However I decided on this one simply because someone (the council or the Environment Agency or maybe some well minded individuals) have cleared some of the crap out of the river (there was another pile further upstream).

The thing that amazed me was not the bike, nor the shopping trolley, but the bath! Did someone flytip it, or did they try to use it as a boat until the plug came out :)

Hopefully this will continue, and eventually they may stop the sewers overflowing into it whenever it rains (it stunk today)

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