Even out of focus, poorly framed, inadequately lit and slightly grumpy - he's still a beautiful cat! I'm sure a lot of you will recognise Baggins - the star of two former/occasional blippers' blips.
Made the long, long train journey up from London to Newcastle - made very much longer by a screaming child (not one of mine, thankfully). His long suffering (5 yr old?) sister was trying to get on with her Kumon maths homework, while he (2 yrs?) repeatedly smashed her rubiks cube against anything hard. When it broke Mum took it away so he screamed until it was given back. Then he threw it at the nearest passenger, the cube was taken away until he screamed and got it back, threw it at another passenger (repeat until fade).
Dropped the kids off at my folks' house and then headed over a couple of valleys to the above-mentioned blippers' home for a catch up over tea, snacks and sweeties (the main sweetie being the lovely Grace who was on top form).
Thanks guys for a lovely relaxing evening. Please pass on my apologies to Baggins for this rubbish shot (in fact, just don't show him or he might be upset). I blame it on being stressed by having a proper photographer looking over my shoulder while I was clicking away. It's like when Dad comes out to watch me making a complete hash of reversing into the teeny parking space between the garages that they make me park in when I visit. I do it in a one'r when he's not there.
Oh, and I forgot to borrow your tripod Mojopin - but thanks so much for the offer, I'll take you up on it next time I'm passing by if you're still letting it moulder away in a cupboard....
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