....Heston Blumenthal, who he?.......

Busy,busy, busy!

In work for 8.00 a.m.

Open Day/Evening.....full day of teaching.

Panic when we couldn't find the Faculty information boards....finally tracked them down...spent break updating them.

5 minute lunch time as I had to meet Professor Brainstorm and help him get ready for his Magic Science show......70 primary school pupils....100 year 7 pupils and my 25 year 9 pupils...into the hall for the show.

1 hour show involving explosions, liquid nitrogen and frozen chrysanthemums, a potato bazooka, hammering nails with a frozen banana, pressure, bursting b5.45alloons....the kids lapped it up.

3.30 to 4.30 making sure labs were ready for the evening......quick trip home....5 minutes with the Boss...changed into a suit...back to work for 5.45.

6.30 Open Evening....Andrea in lab 12 with flame tests....me lab 13 with my by now famous Sweeney Todd show, dissections of lungs and hearts....Peter in lab 14 with displays of text books and pupils work...Prof Brainstorm in lab 16 making ice cream with liquid nitrogen.

Cream, sugar, chocolate chips, liquid nitrogen....voila....£20 a pop in a posh restaurant......free to all comers tonight.

Started my dissection at 7.20 with 30 visitors....finished after 20 minutes...was about to clean up when 20 more turned up...inflated the lungs, dissected a bit more...and did a bit more on the heart...15 minutes...about to clean up....20 more turned up...showed how to perform an emergency tracheotomy......all in all was kept at it for an hour and five minutes....answered questions on hearts, lungs, pleurisy, pace-makers, heart by pass ops, transplants, pulse, heart beat...........eventually had to stop at 8.25.......quick tidy up...home for 9.15...edited the photos......a beer.....a fag...a blip.

I'm supposed to be completing a report....but bollocks...... it's already past midnight......it will have to wait until tomorrow.

Another sleepless night to come.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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