View from the croft gate

By Croftcrafts

Paper, paint & embroidery

Yesterday The Crofter decided that he wasn't happy with the brakes on the car so decided to fit new shoes on the back brakes. In the wind and rain he worked away changing the shoes but when he came to put them together he lost a spring. We search and searched and couldn't find it so eventually today he had to modify one so that he could put the car together and the wheel on as we couldn't drive. He tested it and the brakes are working.
This Afternoon R gave me a lift to KLB to The North West Training Open day where we could sign on for next years courses. This is a sample of Fabric Craft course I signed up for. I am also going to Batik, Painting and Mosaic provided they get enough people to get money for them.
Weather today was a bit better but still windy with heavy showers.

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