Who knew?

By InOtherNews


A cup of tea is incredibly important to me, I like one in a morning and then I like another one. As the day goes on I consume a fair few, and when weekend comes I drink a bit more. Since I stopped smoking I drink even more tea (although it is at the expense of Coca Cola so its ok).

On Sunday I ran out of tea bags, which living where I do is always an issue. I'm about five or six miles from the nearest shop and I was hungover which meant no car journey out. My neighbours don't like me (and apparently my Mum doesn't either as she used last tea bag. I bet she laughed as she did it.....) so there seemed to be no option. I ended up drinking council pop straight from the tap.

I was quite vocal in my disdain at my situation, but lo and behold today an emergency plastic envelope of tea bags arrived with some witty instructions for use. Never again would I be tea-less.

Now you'll notice the very specific instructions here on how a brew is to be made. In truth the sender of my package today has a very clear image of how I like my tea made, and shes spot on. In fact I'm so particular about my tea that I won't allow anyone at work to make me a drink, even when offered. So many people around me make a rancid cup of tea, and I see a bad brew as a wasted opportunity, an affront to the great art of tea making (perfected by me). I won't stand for it.

I strongly suggest my apprentice at work reads these instructions and sets about learning to make me a cup of tea, because if he made a decent brew I could concentrate on rushing around the office like a rat in a cage trying desperately to do the job of three men. However at present I suspect his tea still falls somewhere in between Johns (rare, perhaps one in two years and truly the most vile thing to be inside my mouth for a decade) and that of James' (more like a bitter watery soup). The lovely Fe makes one that I am able to enjoy (although I do know it isn't mine. She tends to err on the side of caution when doling out the sugar in the interest of my health, but it's an 8/10) and my stepmum Mo has been known to throw together a good brew, and she uses the extra large mug I left there for when I go round. I like to have a suitable sized mug everywhere I spend a deal of time... Dad's, work, and home. I used to have one at Mums but then she moved in. Now I have two here, the other one we use as a plant pot.

Thats how big my thirst can be. I used a mug the size of a plant pot.

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