My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Miracles do happen!

Remember back in August when my mum had her cochlear implant surgery? My previous blip was of the x-ray of all the bits they inserted into her head and ear... this blip is of what she now wears on the outside.

She's been switched on for around two weeks now and has to go back very regularly for tuning and training to hear/listen again. All I can say is that it is an absolute miracle! She has rejoined the big noisy world again and is finding it to be a wonderful place. We feel like we've got our mum back!

If these are the results after only two weeks, we cannot imagine what the next two years of improvements are going to be like. It's still such early days.

I had lunch with mum today... in a restaurant. This sounds like nothing special, I'm sure, but it was so wonderful to be able to have a conversation in a busy place without mum becoming tired and frustrated with lip reading. Even having a conversation going along in the car was brilliant as it's something we haven't been able to do for years.

It truly is a medical miracle!

If you don't know much about cochlear implants and want to find out more, this website is a great place to start.

Mum complained about her grey hair in this picture... she's not allowed to dye her hair until the start of November which is three months post-surgery. She can't wait!!

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