Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


Well it's taken a few days but I've nearly caught up on all my subscriptions/subscribers. I really mustn't let myself get that far behind again. I've also sat today and played with Blipfolio. I'm about half way ready to open it up to the public. Maybe tomorrow.

In other news:

Deciding to brew beer in the height of summer maybe isn't the best idea in the world. By late last night the beer was fermenting so rapidly that the bubbles had filled the 8 inch gap and were coming out of the airlock. In my infinite wisdom, I decided to give it a good stir to get some of the gas out. This was a BAD IDEA! It then volcanoed out of the top of the barrel for about 3 minutes. Eventually I had to move it in to the shower over night to catch the mess. Today it's still warm enough to be vigorously fermenting so the lid has had to be replaced with a damp teatowel to allow the gas to escape.

This photo isn't of the beer, the bubbles in my flatmates mead were far prettier than the thick froth on the beer.

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