Little Row Boat

Dups and I had a very enjoyable evening in ChCh last night listening and watching Tui Le Roy speak about her remarkable experiences filming and watching penguins and albatrosses. It was also nice to meet up with some ChCh blippers over a cup of tea at the close of the evening. We never got home until 1 am this morning.

Then, we were both at it again at 9 am this morning, slogging away at the Salon Catalogue which is being produced for the convention. A long day, calling it quits at 5.30 tonight. Snapped this on the way home, takaways for tea, only way to go.

Doug and I off to ChCh tomorrow, he has to be at his meeting at 9.30, life is full on just now, blipping has to take a back seat.

square September


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