
By SomethingAwful


Taken from Lookout Mountain, I am told.

Went for a run with A this morning and, while I was worried about the dangers of water, I forgot all about the dangers of air! The altitude is higher here (a mile high, to be precise), and I started my jog after a warm up and on flat ground, and within about a minute and a half could feel my muscles tensing up. It only took a few minutes to tire me out and I ended up walking through the park with the occasional jog when I felt a burst of energy... people in Denver must have terrific lungs.

Then we went to THE MALL to get A SHIRT and A BOWTIE. And A drove me to Golden, a really quaint (I thought) town a bit further west, where we explored the Western facade of the town, looked at the slightly overflowing creek, took in the views of the moutains, and had some excellent pupusas from a place so small it was at number 1205.5 in the street!

A then educated me about Buffalo Bill and we drove up to his grave. Up til today I wasn't even sure if he was fictional or not, so that was an experience! Took in the gorgeous views and admired Denver from a-very-far.

I got to go collect T from nursery with J, and hang out with her in the garden in the afternoon, after a little building exercise... productive day, lovely dinner, and I just discovered that Greek is on Netflix! I predict a good night, too.

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