"Was it something I said?"

It's the age old story. Boy meets girl. Man meets woman. Him meets her. Hemale meets female. Bird meets birdette. Human or animal...it just doesn't matter.

I'm going to end this piece with five things that might have been spoken. You might be asking..."How would HE have any idea of what was said by the buzzard in the middle picture?" I'll tell you how...my fellow blippers.

I...too...have been rejected. Mostly in my high school days (42-43 years ago), but memories like those do not just fade away.

Thought I was in the front door...
but she was more than I bargained for.

Thought I was in like Flint...
but watched as she broke into a sprint.

It's hard to reach first base...
when you're standing there with a dogface.

So...what was said? Here's my five guesses.

1. "Stick with me...Sunshine.
I put the "buzz" in buzzard."

2. "How would you like to visit me...
in that nearby dead tree?"

3. "Hello...my dear sweet Blanche.
Fancy meeting you...on this branch."

4. "How about flapping that wing...
you pretty little thing?"

5. "Here I land...with an exposed claw.
How about you and me...being Ma and Pa?'

Opening lines. You succeed with them, or you crash with them.

Perhaps a big old buzzard smile might have served him better.

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