What did I see today...?

By DaveR


The trouble with walking on the bank holiday is that the weather knows it and decides to put clouds on top of a lot of things - still I did get a pretty nice shot (AlterBlip) when we crossed onto the Kinder Scout Plateau on our walk - very moody and effective. This was quite a special thing for me as my grandfather was one of the first people to roam over the plateau after the famous mass tresspass of 1932, he wasn't in the initial group but one of the many walkers who followed just a month later (and still going strong!)

The Blip for today is actually nearing the end of the walk as we headed back from Upper Booth Farm along the Pennine Way, just over the final set of hills before we got back into Edale - you can just about see the village and the trainline leading into it in the centre of the shot.

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