Mixed Monday

Nothing too awful, nothing too wonderful.
Not brilliant weather, not catastrophic weather.
Nothing went completely to plan, nothing went ridiculously awry.

That's life, huh?

It's a kind of so-so, okay that we should all be aiming for and be grateful for.

Gemma went back to college for the first day today. I hope it all works out for her. I've held my breath for almost a week since I've known that she might. Not literally, of course. That would be silly.
Recently someone on something on TV said they'd literally put their heart and soul into something. I thought that sounded a bit messy. I'd like to have seen their soul when they took it out. I've never seen one.

Apparently - no, actually... (maybe even literally... ) one of the bathroom walls in our thoroughly modern house is so bowed it's not sensible to fix bathroom tiles to it and should never have been left like that. So tiling didn't get as far as it should today and tomorrow an interior wall is going to be ripped out and put back.
If we're going to have quaint quirkiness I'd at least like a house with a bit of history and character. Tsk.

What else?
Oh, I managed a bit of gardening and had fun playing in the compost heap. Compost heap number 1, to be exact. We have 3 and Number 1 is the oldest. There were 3 avocado plants growing in it! Impressive, huh?
Then it rained again and I had to dash inside.

It was lovely when the sun did come out though. It felt like such a novelty. I took all the sunshine and bees and butterflies for granted in July and August, but after a few days of crap weather (not literally crap) the sunshine and buzzing felt extra special.

I was literally on top of the world.

I was.

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