
By cracker

Happy birthday Kaz!

Today Kaz turns 40 again!! Last year for her real 40th we weren't having such a good time so she decided she would have her 40th again!

She took Spence to her physio appointment this morning then they had brekkie, we took Joti to daycare then Spence had his culminating at school where they show you lots of things they have been doing for the term. They have been working on the weather and the kids had done a video of them all doing a weather report! It was very cute and funny!

Kaz and I then went out for lunch to a place by the beach. It was overcast today and only 21C but still lovely to be out together! We then went to Anaconda where Kaz spent her gift voucher that Fleur gave her for her birthday!

We picked up the kids from school then Fleur's kids came over while she went to parent teacher interviews then they left and I went for Spence!

The teacher said he is doing really well! He is expected to be reading at level 3 and he is up to 12 so that's great, his Maths is really good, he is liked by everyone and is 'one of the good ones'! So, we are happy!!

Spence and I gave Kaz a treasure hunt to find all her presents once Joti had gone to bed!

Here is Kaz with our lovely lunch!

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