
By Angelique

"I'm Looking Out the Window I'm staring at the "

To think it was only a few weeks ago we were sweltering in hot weather!! Today the wind has been cutting and when it rained it was so cold br.......
Here we are only half way through September and the temperature has plummeted. I am going on holiday to Cornwal on Friday! Should I pack thermals I'm wondering.

Well I was all set to blip the pond at work today. The water had cleared a bit and it looked quite good. But at about 17.50 and torrential rain, I suddenly realised we had a rainbow in the sky. I ran up 26 steps to Matthew's window which is in the roof area and opened the window. And this is his view. Now you see why he likes to come home.

The day otherwise has been pretty uneventful. Every time I was about to coherse Phoebe out for a walk (she is a lazy little madam), the heavens opened and it poured again. I have cooked roast dinner for Mr A. this evening. Pork with crackling and all the trimmings, he is washing up and then we are going to rehearse some songs for a performance beginning of October. Because we are away all next week, this is our only opportunity.

Also choir practise begins again on Wednesday for the Christmas concert, and I have been invited to attend. It's only taken nearly 7 years to be accepted.

Hope your day has been successful and that you have managed to achieve everything that was necessary.

No time to exercise today - just kept rushing around hoping the calories wouldn't have a chance to 'latch on'.

Sleep in peace tonight - stay dry - no flood risks - no pain- just sleep like a baby. Until we 'meet again'. Thank you one and all - a reason to keep going!!

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