gang pic at morelos
although this is from the friday night... saturday morning...
oh you can kind of see my shell earings
lazy morning... then end up driving till the cows go home... with edgar and andres we attempt to find some magic in the forest... but fail...its september. eat corn and then drive drive drive. then hungry so andres cooks us some yummy chickcen and avacado tortillas... mmmm
leigh doesnt feel so good so we head home and start the fun.. "im feeling kind of trippy... i´m feeling kinda up... im still kind of tired"
watch the boxing... the mexican pale ginger saul alveraz swear that he must be irish. looses sad day seeing as tomorrow is indepenedence day. edgar and ongas picks me and ned up and we head to morelos.. and then once again bar americas. dance journey dance journey dance... it turns into a huge gay rave... and we dance journey dance late into the morning
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