
By Houseonahill6

You are my sunshine

This is one of the surprise sunflowers that has popped up in the garden in one of the planters hidden in the Spring by one of the birds. It certainly brightens my day as it's little head bobs about in the wind.
The weather has nt been as bad as predicted,thank goodness.It's a bit breezy today with sunshine and showers. As soon as the sun disappears the temperature drops and we fell to 5 degrees yesterday .There are predictions of a harsh Winter ahead especially for January and with only 100 days until Christmas Autumn is definitely here and the Summer behind us.
Had a large family of wagtails in the garden yesterday, two swallows still under the carport poohing on Mikes car ( lol ) and the owls can be heard hooting to each other at night.

Debbie and Colin returned South today so we took them to the Airport and had a coffee will Mike finished his nine o clock call. Inverness Airport is such a lovely small airport with large windows over looking the runway. Only saw a couple of small planes landing.

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