This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Morning light...

My brother Ben was back at work and I was awake at 4:30 am again. I have woken at that time everyday since I have been here. I got up to visit with him before he went to work. Today, I made a list and I tried to make myself at home.

I unpacked and straightened up "my room" which is Emily's old one. I pulled out my maps and trinkets, feathers, broken pieces of china and the things that make me feel at home and they did. I also organized a closet in the bathroom and did the dishes and just sort of tidied up a bit.

I woke up in the worst neck and shoulder pain that I can only imagine is from travelling, stress and sleeping on a different bed and pillow. I need to give myself time to recover.

All this time I have been checking in with Stewart periodically on the mighty internet. I miss him. I am feeling a little more settled.

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