
By KenH

Evening at Bryce Canyon

After an early start to capture the sunrise at Horseshoe Bend on the Colorado River, which unfortunately did not really get going, it was time for another change of venue. On the road to Bryce Canyon we had a lucky escape when we ran into a sudden hail storm which turned the road to sheet ice. Mike, our driver already realised he had minimum control of our bus and trailer when the car behind, also out of control, passed us and turned side on in front of us. Luckily bothe drivers managed to regain control of their vehicles and no harm was done, except for sharp intakes of breath and a few butterflies. Luckily no traffic was coming the other way. Arrived safely in Bryce and took an early evening stroll between Inspiration Point and Sunset Point as the sun went down. Bryce is another natural wonder, totally different than anything we have seen up to now.

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