
By ApeMcDoug10

Early Anniversary Gifts

My husband is the most impatient man on the planet when he knows there's a gift coming. Christmas, birthdays, anniversary, even Halloween! He's as annoying as a 5 year old saying "are we there yet?" He will incessantly bother me about opening any gift early. He even tries to bribe me with things if I allow it. Christmas is an absolute nightmare. We have rules that he can't even touch the gifts, cause he's that good at figuring out what they are even if you decoy them.

Anyway, I wasn't bribed, just trying to be nice so I gave him his anniversary present 2 days early. For the 6th year, we went traditional. This year is the year of iron and candy. Iron for strength and candy for the sweetness. He got a fire pit, very unorthodox for us but hey, we're always open to trying new things. He loved it! He loves sitting outside and with cooler weather on the horizon, I'd hate to see him have to wait until next spring to enjoy the outside.

We even tried it out like a bunch of idiots. Yeah, it gets pretty warm. Here's to many fall nights hanging out around the fire with my love. Oh, and to our 6th wedding anniversary weekend!


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