...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

The weather was not very pleasant today. There was a thunder and lightning storm, and the power in the house went out briefly. We pretty much spent the whole day inside.

Grandpa C and Mimi came over to watch Miles this morning. They read lots of books and played. Here is Miles showing off one of the pictures they made together. You might notice that Miles’ shirt is a little stretched out around the collar. I let him try to put on his shirt by himself. He ended up with half of his body through the spot his head was supposed to go through.

We also had a lot of Skype time today. We got to talk with mama twice. The first time we talked to her she was getting ready for bed, and the second time she was getting packed up for her travel to the next city. After that, we Skyped with Grandpa Greg and Memaw. Grandpa Greg showed Miles some of the new Hot Wheels he bought. Grandpa has collected Hot Wheels for many years, while Miles just enjoys playing with them. Miles has a whole set of cars at Nana and Grandpa Mike's house.

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