shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Lego scandal!

I have to say I never saw this one coming - my flat was this evening the scene of a flight from the long (or in this case fairly short) arm of the law! The London bobby had become rather suspicious of Hamlet recently, and decided it was about time to get beyond issues of jurisdiction, different legal systems and such like (I don't think he even contacted Police Scotland, shame on the Metropolitan Police) and arrest the decidedly dodgy character wandering around with a skull as the first stage in a murder investigation. To be fair I suppose I can see his point, it is rather suspicious. However Hamlet saw him coming and made a run for it. I suspect he will lie low and not feature in many blips for a wee while, at least until the fuss dies down, or until he's disposed of the evidence anyway.

I back blipped yesterday's shot after a long day at work and a lovely dinner with friends I was too tired to blip when I got in.

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