A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

Farewell to old friends

Leaving do tonight of a friend who is moving to Canada. I still can't really believe she is going. She was always a bit of a jetsetter but this time when she heads off she won't be coming back in a couple of weeks! We have been rowing and cycling together for a few years now although I suppose I knew it was only going to be temporary. Some lucky Canadians will soon have her as a friend. :-)

I also had it confirmed that my beautiful Stampy is sold (I bet most of you never knew I had this!). It is going to a friend of mine who will love it and look after it as much as I have and enjoy the sound of the water rushing under the hull. It is by far and away the most beautiful and wonderous thing I have ever owned. It is work of art that I could never do photographic justice to. It is hard to say goodbye. Certa cito.

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