Mother Shipton

By MotherShipton

Is she gone yet?

I didn't notice the other hoverfly hiding until I looked at the images.

A very wet and windy day with a small break of sunshine in the middle. These poppies are very late as I grew them from seed that I planted a little too late this year. I am hoping they will still reseed for next year

The saga of the Rayburn continues as for some reason it is still not heating up enough which was the original problem....very bl**dy frustrating after all the work. Don't know what to do next!
On top of that discovered the stupid roofers have slated in the overflow pipe to the watertank when reslating the roof this summer so if it overflows it no longer goes outside but will bring the ceiling down. Can't get them on the phone to get it fixed. Not a good day!

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