Do I look fat from behind?

I was going to the sanctuary's first open day today but I changed my plans because it was already raining when I got out of bed and according to the forecast it wasn't going to stop until later in the day. Instead I shall be going to the sanctuary's second open day as the weather forecast for tomorrow is exactly the opposite from today's and it should stay dry until the early evening.

I had to go out at some point this afternoon to do some shopping but didn't take a camera with me because it was still raining then. Fortunately, one of the Wood Pigeons who visit my sunflower hearts feeder on a regular basis was kind enough to pose for me and I was able to get a few shots of it through the kitchen window.

My cold has been considerably better today. I just wish the coughing wouldn't start up again in the evening as it has done yet again because it drains me of what little energy that I have.

Many thanks for the kind comments and stars on my bug blip from yesterday. They are very much appreciated. :)

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