Leena Inkilä seminar, day 1
Finnish Leena Inkilä is in Denmark this weekend to teach Heelwork To Music and Canine Freestyle. It is my friend Helle and I, who are organizing this weekend, so we have been busy, but it has been a great day.
Leena has been super well prepared and she has taught a superb workshop. I participated with Biscuit. Leena held 2 x 1 hours lectures and each handler had 30 mins individual training time to work on whatever they wanted.
I had chosen to work on better focus, when working in busy surroundings, so Leena had planned lots of little exercises, which gave me a chance to reward Biscuit, when he chose to focus on me, even though lots of other things were happening around us.
This is Leena trying to get Biscuit to take his eyes off me, but Biscuit had already realised that it was a better choice to look at me, as eye contact made me click and reward with yummy treats.
I also got a chance to train Hero in the hall and after the training day Helle, Leena and I went out for a lovely dinner.
A great day!
Emmy and the Hazyland
PS. Thanks for the hearts, stars and the spotlight for Hero yesterday.
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