Nicole's odd life

By oddlife

Therapeutic Baby

Oma (Great Oma to Matty) had a small heart attack yesterday so is holed up in the Vic. Thought she would be going loopy as her room has no tv, but she is enjoying the quiet just now so that's good.
She is hooked up to a heart rate monitor and I put my nurse hat on and kept an eye on her blood pressure and what not. Pretty text book actually and she seemed a lot perkier than she has been in ages. New drugs for crappy heart valve which is thickening and becoming stiff.

Matty was with grandad going into the hospital whilst I parked up and he had been sobbing when I got in the room. Seems he didn't like being plonked on the bed with Oma. I chucked him in the ring sling and he poked me for a bit till he was happier then I put him back with Oma. He was hypnotised. Still for ages! Very odd. Cute though.

Then he did a massive poo and was just before the end of our visit so I went off to change him in the boot of our car (yey huge boot!).

Oh, went to Baby Band this morning. Again, I have the child who wanders off to see other babies, pokes them, climbs on them and their parents, tries to pinch their stuff then crawls off to find things to climb on, then wants whatever the class leader has and then decides to sit in the middle of the circle. Shy? ummm. no.

It was actually a really good day :)

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