Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Vail Village

Today we had a slow, relaxing day in Vail. We walked the village several times, had a fantastic dinner at a great Swiss restaurant, and spent the rest of evening sitting by the fire talking.

Our estate saler also called us and told us that in spite of the bad weather and flood conditions in Denver, the first day of our estate sale went very well. Great news!

Then, on top of all of that, I had a call from a potential client who needs some very tricky negotiations to acquire a new acquisition. . . just the kind of stuff that I like to do. New clients are always good news. But it does mean that I am back on the road again next week. Oh well. More places to photograph and blip.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Thank you for all the great comments on yesterday's portrait of Stephen.

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