Red, Green, and Blue

By GemmoMC

Me 4

I went to another employment agency this morning. My aunt has been helping me a lot with this job hunt telling me to keep applying, try here, there, etc... She had found out about this particular agency and contacted them. I think because of her I was able to do more than give my resume to them, but actually sign some documents (compared to past agencies I went to where I would just give my resume). It really seems like this place will help me. We'll see... fingers crossed.

Occasionally, I read my past entries and I catch so many errors. Sometimes I misspell a word, find bad word arrangement, or even forget to type in a word. As a disclaimer, I don't always proofread what I type and at times my brain thinks faster than my fingers can type. So don't mind me if a sentence or a phrase doesn't quite make sense. Just use your imagination to fill in the blanks in logic.

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