
This morning I had a blip meet brunch at Bill's in Brighton with Jim, Nikki and the lovely Ernie, aka A Bump in the Road. They'd just got off the ferry at Newhaven after an early morning, 4 hour crossing from France, so it was a good stop off point for them before their onward journey, and a great opportunity for us to meet up.

Ernie is about 3 weeks older than Scarlett and is such a happy little chap, it's a shame Scarlett wasn't here to meet him, but maybe another time. We had a lovely brunch, which Jim & Nikki very kindly paid for, and then they went to have a wander before heading to Nikki's family in Bournemouth.

I also went shopping for some new boots - it's getting that time of year again and I wanted some ankle boots with low heels. I saw some when we were in town at the weekend, but I said I'd have a look round first, and Alan will be pleased as I found some cheaper ones which are nice and very comfy. I also walked up to M&S and bought some Belgian chocolates and some Macarons - just a couple of the things I'm missing from Belgium :-)

Then I had the strangest bus ride back to the Marina where I'd parked my car - it's free parking there and cheaper to get the bus into town than it is to park in the town centre. Anyway, there was a very strange guy on the bus who was sat rolling the biggest ball of 'used' chewing gum in his hands, and when the passengers that were sat near him got off, it looked like he was collecting more gum that had been stuck on the floor and the sides of the bus! He then started cleaning dirty marks off the ceiling and wiping the seats down, then the hand rail - all with his dirty handkerchief! I was glad to get off when the bus got to the terminus, but he stayed on, and I can only assume he sits there all day cleaning the bus - he certainly wasn't a bus company employee....

Tonight we've got our Landlord coming round for a drink - he's a really nice guy, but we've never met Laura his partner, so it's a nice opportunity to meet her, and tomorrow my friend Alison arrives for a week, so I'd better go and tidy up and make sure everywhere looks presentable.

Have a great weekend!

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