Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

"Well Oiled"

Singularly appropriate.

Him, and him, and her, and her went into partnership in a small local jewellers.

Since He was still a Fireman, he was teaching, She was working in an "Old folks home" and she was in a different retail outlet, we hardly ever got to meet.

It was decided that we'd have our "board-meetings" once per fortnight (That's 2 weeks, to "them over there").
There wasn't a suitable "watering hole" which both
A) Suited both families. ...and
B) One could hear one's self think in.
we fetched up in the bar of the local "Shire inn" on alternate Wednesdays.

The shop closed 28 Feb '08 with the retirement of Her and Him ...
The board meetings continue.

Today was also the day I do the watch batteries, so, after I finished, it coincided with the "Young Frau Jock's" tea-break ... We mixed business and pleasure wandering the town while she looked for some beads to complete a necklace repair.

While she was buying them I spotted this card, which, after "partaking of the waters" seems, in retrospect, singularly apt.

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