Cross Country

Mrs Smith has a habit of getting to the train station very early. Just as well because the train she needed to catch to York was thirty minutes earlier than she thought it was. So, whereas I would have missed it she squeaked on with two minutes to spare.

Although it was an early train the kids all got up (hard to tell but there are three pairs of shoes there) to wave her off. They have a long weekend off school for reasons none of us understand but they aren't complaining. Especially when I bought them breakfast rolls around the corner. There were a few complaints as I drove into the Asda car park mind you.

Back home now and Eve is in her new onesie, Ruby has gone back under the duvet and Joe is on his PS3. I'm thinking of tidying up the pantry.

There might be a group dog walk later. Which may go past a dog friendly pub. Then there will be sausages and cheesy pasta.

First though, I'm going to call Dad for an update. It's hard living 200 plus miles away but Smithski and my sister are keeping me up to date with developments in the hospital and we have a safety net of kid and dog carers in case I need to jump in the car suddenly.

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