Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Festival pinks :o)

I went to see John Hegley at lunchtime today (v funny poet) and it was really good. I was having one of those, can't move, don't want to get out of bed mornings but I'm so glad I forced myself to because it was worth it once I got there (despite being very soggy!)
I've wanted to go see him for the last few years as I have some of his collections and love them, but you know how there are lots of things that you mean to go and see and never get around to?! So finally managed it :O)

I snapped this in the Royal Mile, and really liked the idea of the pink against the back and white. Its something I've not really done before because I don't have any photography software to speak of - the most my computer can do is crop and convert to B&W! - so its not perfectly done, but its as close as I could make it.
Really must invest in photoshop at some point!!

Had a nice afternoon in TeaTree (yes, it really is my second home!) catching up with my friend Mary. She sends big hellos to Dazed and Smusnaps too :O)

More of todays almost blips here!

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