Slightly jaded

Monday's birthday flowers from Hannah in Australia are still looking beautiful, if a tiny bit tired around the edges. The picture next to them was painted by Gemma about 5 or 6 years ago as a Mothers' Day present to me when she was only twelve or thirteen. I remember the stomping and ranting coming from her room as she was painting it. She wasn't happy with it. I love it. It too is looking a little tired though and some of the paint is flaking.

I woke up at about 1am feeling sick and spent most of the rest of the night downstairs, drinking mint tea and dashing in and out of the loo. I got back to bed around 5am and ended up staying in bed until 11am, and - despite the plumber making one hell of a racket - managed to get a bit more sleep. I think a mozzarella panini in Sainsbury's yesterday was a mistake. I'm not really eating much dairy anymore and mozzarella is one helluva big lump of dairy (and it wasn't well-heated).

I felt a bit better this afternoon and we went off and bought cheapo vinyl for the bathroom floor and some other bits and bobs like a bathroom cabinet and towel rails. Hopefully the tiling and vinyl will get done early next week and then the loo and basin can go in.

It's all pretty boring really but has to be done.

The weather is deary and I'm missing my garden.

That all sounds quite miserable. Funnily enough I don't feel particularly miserable.

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