Do I look fat?

This is what happened today:

Ann went to work. I snoozed in my bed.

Ann came home from work and did more work at home. I snoozed in my bed.

Ann said, 'Molly you look a bit chunky. I don't think you're getting enough exercise'.

Went for my walk run along the river. I had to run & swim for almost an hour non stop. I love playing with my blue bouncy ball but today Ann made me run forever and ever. She said, 'I think you're putting on weight Molly. And I don't want other dogs bullying you because you're fat.' As if???? Honestly!!! Do I look fat Blippers? I was weighed at the vets a few weeks ago and I'm the same weight as I've always been.

.............But when Ann gets an idea into her head I just go along with it to humour her. And actually I really like running & swimming after my bouncy ball.

Came home and Ann fed me. I lulled her into a false sense of security by not eating all of my dinner. She said, 'Molly are you OK? Why haven't you eaten all of your dinner?' I was trying to pretend I was on a diet but I gobbled up the rest when she wasn't looking.

Ann left me home alone while she went out for dinner. She had amazing tapas down at the Porthmeor Beach Cafe.

Ann came home and I was having another little snooze. She said, 'Molly, you stink!'

.................So in the space of a few hours Ann has told me I'm fat and I stink.

That's dog abuse. I'm going to be mentally scarred for life.

........I think I'm going to have to phone the dog helpline!!!!!!!!!

PS - Ann says she doesn't care how fat & stinky I am because she will always love me.

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