Three Generations

I know there are programmes out there, probably on my laptop already, which would enable me to get rid of the barbed wire, but hey ho . . .

These cows and calves have been at the top of the village all summer and we have got to know each other pretty well over the last few months. The farm, Hools, names all their cows and the ear tags record their own name and their mother's so at a glance you can see whose mother/calf is whose. Here we have Rosie, her daughter Cosmea, her granddaughter Iris and her own calf from this year, Indigo. When you hear or read about the industrialisation of farming, the intensive methods of raising livestock, it is so reassuring to see that there are farmers around who still allow cows to live in family groups like this. They certainly seem to be a bunch of happy, contented and friendly bunch!

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