Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Boo-boos don't have to be boring

I fell over yesterday evening.

I landed on my knees, I put my hands out to brace the fall.

I think I must have caught my ankle.

I broke the little bunnies hay box in the fall.

First thing I did after picking myself off the ground was to check the little bunnies and give them their night night noms as that's what I was on my way to do.

How did I fall over? Well to get into the little bunnies enclosure I have to step over it, now I've fallen over before (just not hurt myself before) and so had put a garden chair in the enclosure so I would have something to grab for balance, Mr Mouse had moved it out of reach bad Mr Mouse

I came in and headed to the shower to clean up, I think I am very lucky I fell on mud and grass it's a bit softer.

I then took pain meds and headed to bed. Around midnight pain meds had worn off and I hurt all over.

Wrists are clicking, right is especially bad (long standing issue from ligament injury when I was a teenager)
Shoulders are clicking (more than normal)
Neck is clicking (more than normal)
Chest hurts (can only guess I've stressed muscle bracing myself from the fall)
Knee caps are floating more than normal and crunching more than normal (it's a truly horrible sound. Again started as a ligament injury when I was a teenager)
Ankle hurts and feels a little unstable (had ligament issues here too as a teenager)
Back is aching a bit (oh and I can feel that crunching too)

I feel miserable.

I had a horrible night, during the early hours I thought an A&E trip was on the cards as fingers started to tingle and go a bit numb, but pain meds and tape helping. There is no swelling and basically it's because my ligaments don't support my joints properly. But if it gets worse i will seek medical advice, but as I really don't think anything is broken they would just tell me to do what I am already doing, it not like I haven't injured these areas before. I know the drill and am well practiced in it over 15 years worth of practice

But at least my kinesiology tape is funky (my other knee is also strapped, and still debating left wrist)

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