Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

There's something scary in the coal bunker....

Well not exactly in the coal bunker but next to it. I'm assuming this is a frog and not a toad. Are there different types of frog? This fella was a Big Frog. No way was I going to touch the thing, ugh, horrible. I must have startled him when I put the light on so he just sat there motionless. After I'd got the coal he was still there and when I came back with the camera he hadn't budged.

So why was I getting coal in so early in the morning? Well at 6am MrsDB woke me up to ask "Did you put coal on the fire before we went to bed"? Well of course I hadn't - and she knew it - so in order to save myself hours of grief and nagging I got up. There was a glimmer of red ash in the bottom of the fireplace and no coal in the bucket. Aw shoot! I could have told her it'd gone out and come back to bed but that would have been a bad idea, best let sleeping dogs lie.

Checking my office wall chart (it's an OCD thing) we lit the fire two weeks earlier this year than last which is strange when I recall the weather last year. However we've used the same amount of oil but less electricity in the last 12 months.

Nothing to do with frogs. Just letting you know how my day started. Things can only get better.

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