
By cowgirl

Mr and Mrs to be ....

A back blip for yesterday:

When I arrived as a volunteer to Kibbutz Zikim, 14th September 1989, I had no idea how it was going to change my life. The lady sitting next to Sav ( on the left ) is partly to ' blame ' for that! Her name is Christine and she's a Kiwi, but had also come to Zikim as a volunteer. She met and married a guy from the kibbutz and they have 3 children. When I met them they just had the two girls, Neelie, who was 3 yrs old and Sevan who was just a year.

Christine requested my help in the dairy, raising the calves, and so I fell in love with life here ... ( 19 yrs later, still single, I re connected with Sav and ended up back in England, after having converted to Judaism and emigrating to Israel ... Go figure! ) ...

Anyhoo ... My ' little sister ' Neelie is getting married!!!! Wooohoooo! However, I had not met her hubby to be, Yuval, as it's been 2 1/2 yrs since I was last here and they got together in that time. ( Yuval is friends with Guy, Sevan's boyfriend, which is how they met. Sweet! )

So last night we all went out for a meal so's to have chance to meet, chat and generally catch up before the wedding on Tues ( so there will be another back blip the day after that night! ).

Part of me can't wait for the wedding and part of me is aware that 48hrs later I will be on a plane back to England. Bitter sweet.

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