Dolcezza Della Vita

By Dolcezza

Inner Strength...

Some day inspiration just comes to me out of the blue. Saturday, I had a dream about this symbol. I had no idea what it meant. I looked it up online and discovered it means inner strength. I've been wanting a new tattoo...this would be quite fitting...

So I got out my art supplies and started to draw it. I used to draw and paint all the time - last few years, I've just lost the passion. Felt good to create again. I mostly work with charcoal and watercolor pens.

I went through my art box this morning and was looking through things - I really do have a lot of supplies, might head out to the volcanoes today and just hang around there and let inspiration come to me. My skills are not where they used to be, but I'm sure it will all come back.

Getting the house ready for visitors - my friends Jess and Lindsay are traveling across the US - for about two months! Jess needs to clear his head - he hasnt been the same since his brother Kenny passed away in March. None of us have really, but it's been hard on Jess. The road trip will be good for him.

And 5 more days until I see him again! He's not pushing me...which is good. Definitely helping restore my faith in relationships. My heart took a little hit there with my last relationship, but all is well. Inner strength will get you through anything life may throw at ya.

Yeah, good and honest men still exist in this world...I'm reminded of that every single time he looks at me and smiles. But again, I knew that five years ago with him. What can I say, he's growing on me, just a little ;)

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