Carpe diem

By EveryDayMatters

Blooming Tea

Blooming Tea!

HL invited me for Tea at her friends new cafe near the Haymarket. It is a lovely little place and they have some rather interesting drinks. Not least, was this Blooming Tea. It is amazing. It starts off as what looks like a simple tea bag in a glass of hot water. Then slowly, it 'morphs' into a kind of creepy spider. After this, it becomes a type of sea urchin creature like thing. Then you have to drink it - the tea that is, not the animal plant like thing !! HL was drinking Rose tea.

It was all rather civilized really - proof that the North can be a cultural city, although in this case it was rather a Chinese type experience.

If you get bored with the T party experience, there is always the 5 Swans pub next door !

The T brightened up a rather frustrating day in terms of organizational politics, power and problems of working in different paradigms. There is still a problem whereby natural scientists do not respect social sciences and have little time or respect for human agency or social constructionism. Everything to them is a mechanical unitary problem situation, where there is an unequivocal answer to a defined or rational problem. They cannot accept ambiguity or the fact that science might in fact be socially constructed, historically constituted and maybe not the answer to all situations. You cannot manage humans in the same way that you do machines. Rant over !

More Tea Vicar ?

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