Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

With Liberty and Justice for All ...

My apologies to anyone who finds this offensive - today's blip is based on a painting done by Nathan Janes - here is a link to the original. 911 was such a pivotal moment in our history - for the US, the world, and humanity itself. We lost so much that day - not just the victims of the atrocities done that day, but the loss of our rights and freedoms and the endless wars we have been apart of since. Without truly acknowledging what really happened that day, how will any of us truly realize what it is that we lost and for what purpose? There has been a recent campaign started to try and get people to rethink 911 - a dozen years later and we still have so many unanswered questions. I implore you to at least take a look and try to see the events of that day in perhaps a different way - Rethink 911. May we all find peace and happiness in this day in age. I would honestly like to hear from any of you who take a look. Thank you <3

If you were interested in what the meaning behind Nathan Janes' original painting was, here is an excerpt:
"Nathan Janes, who has become known for his fun and light-hearted renderings of man’s best friend, has released his newest painting of a much more serious subject matter. The painting, titled “With Liberty and Justice for All,” represents a movement within the United States and abroad that seeks answers to questions about the catastrophic events that occurred on September 11, 2001. Within the last two years a number of celebrities and public officials have come forward to support the growing movement including Charlie Sheen, Rosie O'Donnell, Mos Def, Gov. Jesse Ventura, Aaron Russo, and Raymond L. McGovern, and many more.

Janes says that he was inspired to complete this painting in order to make more people aware of the questions that have remained unanswered by the 9/11 Commission Report and by officials within the federal government. “Once you look closely at the events that happened on September 11, a lot of holes appear in the story,” Janes says. “So many people have died as a result of this event and we all deserve to know the truth about the events that led up to 9/11.”

The painting depicts a dog wearing a stars-and-stripes blindfold and surrounded by a ring of seven stars. Janes explains that, “The stars represent World Trade Center Building Seven, which mysteriously fell on September 11 even though it was not hit by an airplane nor sustained any major fires or damage from the collapse of WTC Buildings One and Two.” The patriotic blindfold represents the apprehension that many Americans have in accepting that the government could be capable of intentionally harming its citizens. Also depicted in the painting is the ‘All Seeing Eye’ and stealth bombers, which Janes says represent the power that the government has seized over the American people in modern times."

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