
By Transitoire

Vomissements en jet

Projectile vomiting from Thom in the morning on our first changeover of the day led to me having an emergency phone call with our manager in Les Sables d’Olonne…hearing the sounds of retching while on the phone to someone explaining that someone else is indeed being sick is not an experience I ever want to have again I will be completely honest! It was decided that we would definitely need help, meaning that Jim then travelled up from Les Sables, bringing with him an old friend of ours to help us as well. It was so lovely to see , and to catch up on what she had been up to…although I didn’t realise just how many issues and differences of opinion there had been at that other site…I’m happy to be out of it!

Unfortunately they arrived too late to help us clean on the first day, as they got stuck in traffic on the way (a first in France!). Thom, bless him, helped me to clean as long as he could before going to bed and sleeping for a while whilst I carried on working. Poor sod, the one thing you don’t want to do when you’re ill (as well as many other things I’m sure) is clean up after other people. Happily, all the vans were ready by the time the first customers arrived. Pretty exhausted now.

Another emergency blip of a flower that I can only apologise for.

Our evening was spent chilling out with Jim and Jemma, with them drinking a lot of our tipped drink (there is a lot of it, and with neither Thom nor I being big drinkers, we needed the help! Plus, they had had a long journey!) while I had a cup of tea…as I really was not in the mood for alcohol! Thom went for a non-alcoholic beer because he wanted to try one, verdict: alright when you want to have the taste of beer but not the alcohol. Didn’t really see the point myself.

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