
By scribbler

Future blipper blipped

Early digital portrait printed on a t-shirt, taken in 1974
on the 110th floor of the World Trade Center.

Living in Greenwich Village, I watched the Twin Towers rise in the early 1970's. Didn't fall in love with them until this visit to the observation platform with its thrilling view of New York Bay, all of Manhattan, the rivers, the bridges, and clouds below. No evidence, since I wasn't a blipper then, except for this t-shirt which is an example of the primitive state of digital photography at the time. It was snapped and applied right in the lobby of the observation deck. After 9/11, I framed it. Now it sits on a shelf in my walk-in closet, a door to many memories.

Twin Towers, the New York skyline is not the same without you. R.I.P.

DOOR: DDW Sept 11 challenge by Anniemay

(B&W, White and black points adjusted)

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