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By pplnani

Ragged Robin

He looks just how I feel.............

MOAN ALERT!!...................................I'm going to have a bit of a grumble, so if you're not in the mood I suggest you stop reading now.

I feel really quite fed up today, my back is not improving very fast and I'm still having to spend lots of time 'resting' it, which involves laying flat - what can you do laying flat with a bad back? (don't answer that if you've got something rude to say, you'll get us both banned from Blip). It's not as fist clenchingly painful as it was but still aches a lot and I still can't really do very much, the thought of walking very far or driving brings me out in a cold sweat and I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF IT!!!!!

I kept hearing an alarm ringing this morning but after looking out of the window I couldn't see any lights flashing so I just grit my teeth and tried to ignore it. When it came to lunch time I thought I better go out and put the trickle charger on my car as it hadn't been driven for over a week, tried to open the doors and the battery is as flat as a pancake, I couldn't even unlock it by pressing the key, GRRRRR. It turns out that it was my car sounding the alarm but not flashing any lights, GRRRR. So after a big struggle to get into the car with the emergency manual key, the nice AA man started it up and off went the alarm again, GRRRRR. It did eventually settle down and reset itself and apparently there is a small but significant drain on the battery (could be caused by any number of things) and it will need starting up and running every day. As I can't drive it means I will have to start it up and just let it run for 15- 20mins to top the battery up - what a waste of petrol, either that or disconnect the battery entirely, which is something hubby doesn't want to do. That car is now more trouble than it's worth to me, especially as I have no idea when I will be able to drive again but I don't want to be without a car or I will never work up the enthusiasm to get better.
I could go on but I won't and if you're still reading - thank you very much for caring :-)

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