Life Saver

I'm always grateful when after a busy day, a late evening and no blip possibilities on the horizon, a creature of any sort shows up and is willing to sit still long enough to be photographed. Bless this little blue jay's heart, he was cooperative enough -- of course, he wanted a peanut which I happily provided. As a matter of fact, I gave him several because I was so grateful.

Now, let me tell you why I was so grateful. After a long day at work and a couple of other complications, I came home to a bathtub full of sludge of some sort. It wasn't pretty, but at least it didn't smell bad. This has happened before and if you live in an old house with old plumbing you'll understand. Sometimes things just back up in protest. Once I came home to a bathtub full of vegetable soup that my landlady had put down her garbage disposal upstairs. That wasn't pretty either. Anyway, after some serious frowning and a few harsh words, my landlord unplugged whatever was plugged and equilibrium was restored.

Under no circumstances would I subject my fellow blippers to a bathtub full of sludge, but it was getting down to the wire when the blue jay showed up so I'm pretty sure I made the right choice.

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