Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Family fun

We had my mum and dad up today. We're having a bit of a sort out of the flat at the minute and they've very kindly offered to store some stuff for us until the new year. We had a really nice day catching up, doing a few jobs and chatting about important and exciting things. Before the hard work of hauling boxes was started, the ferrets were brought out for a play. After their exciting afternoon, they decided to cause havock during their play this evening.

I was torn between photos today but decided this would be harder to recapture, though he is awfully cute in this one. The slight smears are left from Scuzz deciding that his wet nose and tongue needed to become close personal friends with my UV filter. Weasley had knocked over the glass and remains of water that I'd used to top up his bottle and then proceeded to sit happily on the window sill and lick up his mess.

By the way: I've been meaning to say hello to my new subscribers, it's lovely to have you here.

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