Big Bill plays Bass

First band practise for an age and Bill turns up with a new Bass! And there was me worrying we had forced him into playing one.

After a few weeks off we were unsurprisingly rubbish, but all the issues were pretty minor and we took on a new song much better than we have in the past.

Bill has bought a Fender Precision, there are few guitars and certainly no Bass guitars more ironic, look at this list of people that play one. He is really taking to it as well which is great. We just need a drummer and someone who can play all those pedals I bought ;)

The rest of the day involved work, we are lacking a sys admin at the moment so the job falls to me, which is fine as it is hardly rocket science (well as long as I have google and nothing breaks) but it is more to do and a lot to understand so I have a bit of a sore brain. Luckily there is beer.

Wednesday tomorrow which is nearly the weekend!

I've just noticed Bill looks like a young Gandalf.. I'm not sure he'll thank me for that.

Big Bill Bass

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